Sometimes known a wobble-gifs.
Lock, Greg 46 minutes 23 seconds :Are they moving?
I didn't realize how many of these things I make.
Some of these are a bit boring.
This method I'm finding is like helping me really understand that [the shipping containers] as like a block of units; of rectilinear forms.
So I'm excited that I can feel I can pick that up or understand it or recreate it or.
I feel like I could, like I feel like the scale shifts when you see it like this, and I could almost pick that up.Rest it between your fingers. [KIOSK]
Normally I would view view this with a stereoscope and it would be a super passive experience where you're really getting all the spatial form.
So here this is like in my one of my favorites [CACTUS AND BOOTS] because it's in a way it's so quiet and uh and boring and kind of flat, but you can almost smell the rubber boots, you know.
and it really kind of gives you a whole real good visual sense of of of that experience that I've had.
I'm really thinking a lot about that relationship between the experience of bearing witness to this place and the experience of having a secondary a revisit of that using technology.